The present anthology, created for teach-ing purposes, has already been successfully experimented. Every exercise must be performed twice: the first time vibrating with the lips only, the second time with the mouthpiece. For sound production, it will be useful to pronounce the letter p, therefore it will not be necessary to use the traditional tongue-stroke. If, at an early stage in the learning process, it is impossible to perform the indicated note with the lips only, begin a third or a fifth lower. With the mouthpiece, instead, it is necessary to perform notes as indicated…
…From n. 51 on, if it is necessary to strengthen muscles further, play each exercise without ever removing the mouthpiece from your lips. It is sufficient to practice every single exercise at the beginning of the day for a week.
If there are no other problems concerning breathing, positions and control over respiration, daily practice and constant, diligent exercise will undoubtedly result in progress.
See also: Short Long Steps