for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS III
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS III
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS II
Alessandro Vessella La Banda dalle origini fino ai nostri giorni. [edizione a cura di Igino Conforzi] Dopo quasi un secolo dalla sua pubblicazione, avvenuta postuma… Leggi tutto »La Banda
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success.In the… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS V
Girolamo Fantini al Palazzo Pitti di Firenze Il contesto storico, e non da meno la somiglianza, ci inducono a identificare in un affresco dipinto in… Leggi tutto »Il trombetto di Palazzo Pitti: un ritratto di Girolamo Fantini “Monarca della Tromba”
Volume di tutta l’arte della trombetta, Verona 1614 [I-VEaf, Mus. 238; A-Wn, codex 10819] Trumpet Anton Schnitzer, 1585, donated by Bendinelli in 1614 to the… Leggi tutto »Cesare Bendinelli (1542-1617)
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS IV
SONATA PRIMA, per trombetta sola Igino Conforzi: Baroque trumpet (Egger 1982, mouthpiece Egger on Salzburg 18th.) Andrea Marcon: Organ Basel (CH), Predigerkirche, 21 fev 1987… Leggi tutto »Giovanni Bonaventura Viviani – Sonata prima per trombetta sola [vintage…]
The ensemble TIBICINES performs on instruments that resemble their 17th and 18th century counterparts down to the minutest detail. The Renaissance trumpet, which remained virtually… Leggi tutto »TIBICINES> 4. Würbel / Aufzug mit 6. Trompeten (Daniel Speer)
The ensemble TIBICINES performs on instruments that resemble their 17th and 18th century counterparts down to the minutest detail. The Renaissance trumpet, which remained virtually… Leggi tutto »TIBICINES> 3.Das Kindl-Woegen auf Weinacht (Bartholomäus Riedl)