for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success.In the… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS V
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success.In the… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS V
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS IV
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS III
for trumpet players A The first book Short Long Steps is dedicated to the optimisation of the embouchure, a decisive way for the success. In… Leggi tutto »SHORT LONG STEPS II
Embouchure Development for Brass Players A perfect positioning of the lips facilitates results. In the family of the brass instruments, the enhancement and optimization of… Leggi tutto »Short Long Steps
Joseph Jean-Baptiste Laurent Arban nasce a Lione il 28 febbraio del 1825. Molto giovane entra nella banda della Marina Militare suonando la cornopean, antenato della… Leggi tutto »Jean-Baptiste ARBAN: Don Carlos di Verdi, Fantaisie brillante
Bonifacio Asioli nasce a Correggio il 30 agosto 1769. Figlio d’arte, inizia giovanissimo lo studio del clavicembalo nella città natale. Tra i suoi insegnanti troviamo Crotti,… Leggi tutto »Bonifacio Asioli: 28 duetti per due corni
A un anno dalla morte il noto teorico Gerber collocò Hertel tra i migliori compositori di musica strumentale e vocale della seconda metà del secolo… Leggi tutto »Hertel Johann Wilhelm: 6 Marches for Trumpet, 2 Horns, 2 Oboes and Bassoon
Girolamo Fantini was a great celebrity in the Italian musical world of the 17th century. Documents of the period show he was paid great respect,… Leggi tutto »FANTINI Girolamo, Modo per imparare a sonare di Tromba (1638), a modern edition
The present anthology, created for teach-ing purposes, has already been successfully experimented. Every exercise must be performed twice: the first time vibrating with the lips… Leggi tutto »100 buzzing exercises